Making a will and planning an estate has become more complex than ever due to the changing nature of families and legislation that makes it much easier to challenge a will.
At Lawyers by the Bay, our team is qualified in planning and preparing wills, mollifying will disputes, and assisting with duties regarding power of attorney. We are committed to ensuring that your will and plans reflect your intentions for the financial well-being and ongoing care of your loved ones and, in some situations, for the continued operation of your business.
We understand that everyone's circumstances change, and we are committed to providing ongoing, expert advice to ensure that your will is kept up to date to minimise any disputes or challenges.
If there are disputes regarding a Will, our expert team is experienced in providing advice and honest assessments, whatever the situation. We appreciate the importance of maintaining family relationships, and therefore, resolving disputes is in our best interest. We want to ensure a resolution that protects your loved ones from emotional and financial grief.
We prepare Powers of Attorney, including Supportive Attorneys, Wills, Administer Estates, and Challenge Wills under Part IV Applications and provide safe custody of your Wills and Powers of Attorney.
Early consultation with one of our experienced lawyers can ensure your peace of mind, no matter what stage of the process you are involved in. Plan your estate to ensure your loved ones are taken care of!
Have a question about making a will, a will dispute or a power of attorney? Feel free to get in touch today! We offer a free consultation to begin, and there are no upfront fees!
To have a will, you must first be 18 years of age. If you own a home or any other property, have a career, have any savings or investments or have children, then you really should consider preparing a Will either yourself or through a legal service. Without proper Estate Planning, you're essentially allowing the courts to make all the decisions about your interests after you pass away.
Before you prepare your will, it will be handy to have the following documents on hand:
Executor: The Executor of your Will is the person you name who will be responsible for settling your estate upon your passing. Choose someone trustworthy and capable of handling the financial, legal and moral obligations required to complete the process. Note that you can also name a Co-Executor, and many people choose to name an alternate in case their original is unable or unwilling to take on the task.
Beneficiaries: The beneficiaries you name are those who will benefit from your estate. They will inherit money, property, valuables, and other belongings as per your wishes, as outlined in your will and other estate plans. Remember that the more specific you are, the better the chance your estate will be settled as you envision.
For a Will to be formally valid, it must be:
When is a Will invalid?
A Will is invalid if it is made by a person who does not:
Let Lawyers by the Bay provide the support you need. Contact us at 03 8680 2549 for expert advice on managing your will or estate.
11 Railway Grove, Mornington, VIC, 3931
Victoria Legal Service Board
Law Institute of Victoria
Family Law Section of the Law Council of Victoria
Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia